Wellness Beyond Number Scale

Pallavi Vyas
Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2021


Wellness Beyond Number Scale

In today’s scenario, the wellness industry is selling us the myth that a healthy life is about weight loss numbers on our scale. It has come to a point where it has manipulated our minds to commonly believe that losing those numbers on the scale is the ultimate fitness goal without even achieving actual well-being.

The modern iteration of “wellness” — defines the multibillion-dollar diet, supplement, and fitness industry. We never had a concept of gyms or diets, way before the evolution of the wellness industry. But now the fitness industry takes wellness to surreal levels — some offer cryotherapy, which at extremely low temperatures prevents signs of aging and enhances your cosmetological appearance, others have treadmills complete with oxygen vaporizers (to supposedly increase endurance.)

Unleashing the gamut of non-surgical cosmetic procedures for fat reduction like cryolipolysis (e.g., CoolSculpting), injection lipolysis (e.g., Kybella), radiofrequency lipolysis (e.g., Vanquish), and laser lipolysis (e.g., SculpSure).

Meanwhile, the diet book phenomenon has reached epic proportions. The emotional stress of what to eat and giving into fad diets has led us to lose the true essence of food and its essence for well-being.

Due to this unbearable weight stress evolved out of a Diet Culture has led to lifestyle issues like PCOD, Thyroid, Diabetes, and Mental Health.

We are the generations that evolved out of the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Ayurveda has long used diet as a principal means of creating health within the body and mind. Hundreds of years before Hippocrates instructed, “Let food be thy medicine,” Ayurveda defined principles for making that advice practical. Food selection, meal timing, and state of awareness during meals either increases Ojas (vitality) or ama (toxicity). The right way of eating a sustainable diet is a way to create health, vitality, and energy through food.

Go back to the basics for our well-being!

Wellness is finding balance and boosting emotional and physical health. To be fit and healthy, we need to go back to the basics for our well-being.

We need to get out of a complicated consumerist mess. This entanglement of the wellness industry which propels all means as complicated, complex, difficult to achieve, needs to be breakthrough with a more rational approach.

True wisdom with the right information is a way to achieve — a healthy lifestyle (don’t smoke, don’t drink too much, do exercise you like, eat a variety of foods, with lots of vegetables and little processed stuff, see people and do things)

Simple Affirmations based on Ancient Ayurveda Guidelines that helped me Break Up with Diet Culture For Good!

  1. I’m healthy.
  2. I feel good about myself.
  3. I won’t deprive myself of food just to reach a certain number on the scale
  4. I will eat until satisfied, not full
  5. I will eliminate unhealthy processed food from my life.
  6. I will consume whole, Fresh Foods (including more plant-based).
  7. I should eat my largest meal of the day at lunchtime
  8. I will start my day with one seasonal fruit.
  9. I will include all six tastes at every meal and that no way means skipping sweet(Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Astringent, Pungent)
  10. I will reduce ice-cold foods and beverages
  11. I will eliminate distractions while eating and always sit cross-legged while eating
  12. I will focus on intuitive eating.
  13. My last meal would be between 6 to 8 PM
  14. I will exercise daily to improve my endurance.
  15. I will sleep by 10 PM.
  16. I will go slow and steady.
  17. Choose herbal Infused tea over tea and coffee during the day.
  18. Be involved with my body and its needs.
  19. Enjoy my fitness journey.
  20. Recreate my social circle with like-minded people.
  21. Meet friends and family.
  22. Enjoy little things in life.
  23. Practice gratitude.

Each of these ancient Ayurvedic rules helps you remain healthy not only by virtue of the food you are eating but how you eat it. And don’t forget weight loss is not a goal but a byproduct of being healthy and fit. Take your time to enjoy your meals and be grateful for the foods you eat and the body you are blessed with along the way in your wellness journey.



Pallavi Vyas

Mindset and Wellness Blogger. Passionate about life in its raw and gray shades.